Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Half Day Training Program
Alumni FK. UNPAD Tahun 84
Gedung Askes Bandung, 8 Mei 2011


In-House One Day Training Program
"SaveOur Life for Family, Company & Nation"

Kerjasama PT. PINDAD (Persero) & Rumah Sakit Umum PINDAD
Bandung, 25 & 27 Mei 2011

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan SDM PT. Pindad (Persero) pada tanggal 25 dan 27 Mei menyelenggarakan One Day Training HEALTH SECRET yang dibuka langsung oleh Ibu Deputi Direktur PT. Pindad yaitu Ibu Silaningsih, dan Pimpinan RSU Pidad Ibu dr. Lia Yuliani, acara ini diikuti sebanyak 275 pegawai. Acara dimulai dari pukul 08.00 sd 17.00 WIB.

Alhamdulillah acara berjalan dengan lancar, dan antusiasme peserta sangat luar biasa. Hal tersebut terlihat dari penuhnya ruangan pelatihan oleh peserta yang hadir, selama ini ketika Diklat menyelenggarakan acara kesehatan paling hanya diikuti oleh puluhan pegawai (kata ketua panitia : dr. Naomi), dan begitu juga terlihat dari banyaknya pertanyaan dari peserta yang ingin bertanya seputar kesehatan mereka, namun karena waktunya terbatas hanya beberapa aja yang bisa bertanya.

Dari lembar evaluasi (kesan dan pesan) yang diisi oleh peserta, hampir 100% mereka sangat berterima kasih dan puas mengikuti training ini.... Mudah-mudahan dengan diadakannya pelatihan ini PT. Pindad dan keluarganya semakin sehat, maju dan sejahtera.... Amien
Suasana kegiatan training hari pertama, Senin 25 April 2011
diikuti sebanyak 125 peserta

Suasana kegiatan training hari kedua, Rabu 27 April 2011
diikuti sebanyak 150 peserta

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


Koran The Jakarta Post
Edisi 15 Mei 2011

When diagnosed with the dangerous autoimmune disease lupus back in 2009, it was a life changing moment for Yune Wahyunaniah. Every time she left home – sunblock, an umbrella, sunglasses and drinking water became her best friends.

She left confused. Her body resisted antibiotics and other synthetic or chemical-based medicines, a condition she developed after consistently taking the medicine to deal with the disease’s symptoms – pain in her joints, regular fever, back pain and constant weakness – since 1990.

“I was once diagnosed with a liver illness and typhus. When I had flu, it lasted longer than ordinary people. Sometimes it lasted up to three months and I had to take antibiotics constantly,” the mother of two says.

In the meantime, her doctor continued to provide her with steroids for her lupus treatments, pushing the resident of Margahayu Raya in the West Java capital Bandung to find alternative medicines to deal with her illness. The chemicals she consumed made stomach sensitive and made her prone to fevers and nausea.
With an umbrella and sunglasses, Yune Wahyunaniah is ready to go on her routine. JP/Arya Dipa 
With an umbrella and sunglasses, Yune Wahyunaniah is ready
to go on her routine. JP/Arya Dipa

Finding alternative medicine became her priority since her medicine could not help her deal with her painful symptoms.

“When it flared up, I couldn’t stand, and I couldn’t sit long. Even when I was touched, it was killingly painful,” she said.

Her search for alternative therapy was fruitful after she met a doctor who opened a herbal clinic. “I was given herbal treatments to drink,” she says.

When her lupus flared up and her joints hurt, she followed her doctor’s advice and started leech therapy. The leech sucked crystallized blood from her sick joints.

Currently, she enjoys a normal life but still has to use sunblock, an umbrella and sunglasses whenever she’s out of the house. Her bouts with the flu now last for two weeks at most and she has returned to her daily routine – selling encyclopedias and taking her children to school.

“Back then, when the disease struck, I could be hospitalized for three months,” Yune said.

Around the world, it is estimated there are five million people living with lupus – an incurable autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation

It is nicknamed “the great imitator” since its symptoms resemble those of many other diseases and it is subsequently often misdiagnosed. Some 300,000 lupus sufferers are found in Indonesia.

The disease is not contagious but it is deadly, just like HIV/AIDS. But unlike HIV, when a patient suffers a decline in immune system function, people living with lupus experience an overproduction of antibodies, disturbing the immune system’s function.

Alternative medicine also became Agus Supariyanto’s choice when his youngest daughter, 10-year-old Yeni [not her real name], was diagnosed with lupus in January.

Starting out with joint pains and fever, Yeni was taken to a big hospital in nearby Cirebon from her home in the West Java town of Indramayu. The fourth grader was diagnosed with a sore throat.

But after treatment with antibio-tics, her fever was still raging and she was later diagnosed with typhus since the doctor detected a high number of Salmonella thyposa bacteria in her body.

“She was given more antibiotics. Ten days after leaving the hospital she was sick again. She was feverish. She was losing lots of weight, from 40 kilograms to only 33 kilograms,” Agus said when taking his daughter for a routine check-up at a Bandung hospital.

Seeing that his daughter, who was later diagnosed with lupus at a hospital in Bandung, still had to constantly take chemical-based medicine as part of her lupus treatment, Agus was worried about her kidneys.

Agus and his wife were unhappy with hospital’s therapies after going back and forth from Indramayu to Bandung to get better treatments. In a short time, the treatments had exhausted some Rp 60 million they had saved for a hajj pilgrimage.

Doctor Puti Rita Liswari (right) checks her patient using life blood analysis method at her clinic in Bandung. JP/Arya Dipa 
Doctor Puti Rita Liswari (right) checks her patient using life blood analysis method 
at her clinic in Bandung. JP/Arya Dipa

“After checking out the hospital, she has to return a month later for a check-up. She’s feverish again and had to be hospitalized again. But she’s not getting better,” said the father of two who works in Bandung.
Information from a friend led him to an alternative clinic in Bandung, where he got different herbs to treat Yeni.

“After using the herbal medicine, her fever stablized. Her joints don’t hurt anymore so she can attend school although she has to catch up with her studies,” Agus says.

He still took Yeni to Bandung every two weeks for routine check-ups.

“We still use medicine provided by the doctor, but not the antibiotics. We’re afraid of their effects on our daughter,” said Agus’ wife, Dewi, who follows instruction to routinely apply sunblock to her daughter’s skin whenever she goes outside.

Dr. Puti Rita Liswari has also been living with lupus since she tested positive four years ago.

Puti, who adopted a “back to nature” lifestyle since after studying at Leiden University in the Netherlands in 2002, also turned to herbal medicine. She had been experiencing symptoms – joint pain and menstruations that lasted two weeks longer – since she was in junior high school.

The disease hurts Puti more on her skin.

“My skin feels like it is being slit by razor. It bleeds when it is touched by a shallot. My skin breaks when I used soap. My skin is never perfect, it always broken up,” Puti said.

Puti, who is also an executive at the Indonesia Medical Herbal Doctors Association, works together with a herbalist who had 30 years experience in China.

Earlier, Puti only provided herbal therapy to patients suffering from a cytomegalovirus [CMV] infection since she had the experience of providing the herbal therapy to her husband, who was cured after suffering from a CMV infection thanks to natural therapies.

“I’m grateful that I can put into use natural remedies to treat my own body,” said Puti, who once could not stand on her own feet when the disease hit.

She usually tried the herbal remedies she would use on herself before giving them to her patient. A patient would also be asked to identify the needs of his or her own body, including how to turn positive motivation into positive energy.

A herbalist, she said, would usually prepare 15-25 herbs and other natural ingredients to treat a patient.

“I always tell my patient to give it a try and carry on if it fits them,” said the woman, who had job training in three hospitals in Denver, in the US in 1996-1997.

In her current practice, she writes prescriptions using different herbs and natural ingredients for her patients to purchase in herbal stores, such as Babah Kuya in the Pasar Baru market in Bandung.

Lifestyle, she added, played the biggest role in improving health.

“Herbal remedies just calm lupus’ activities, the inflammation. There’s still a need for nutrition to regenerate cells, drinking water to help the body pump out the waste, regular exercise and no stress,” she said.

Dian Syarief Pratomo, who has been living with lupus for 13 years, also saw a rising trend in the use of herbal medicine to deal with lupus with little research done on its medical justification.

“People living with lupus, or any sick person, does not want to suffer side effects from using synthetic and chemical-based medicine. There’s hope for cheaper medicine,” said Dian, who set up a support group for people with lupus — the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation (SDF) — with her husband, Eko Pratomo.

Dian once suffered from a brain inflammation due to high-dosage steroid therapy the first year she was diagnosed with the disease.

The former public relations employee at a private bank said that current lupus therapy was still based on standards established in 1955.

In the meantime, the drug industry has put a high price on the latest immune suppressor drugs. Alternative treatment have becomes an option due to high medical costs, which might reach up to Rp 2 million (US$234) a month.

Medicine for lupus patient suffering from joint pain such as Rituccimab, which requires four doses per treatment cycle, costs Rp 60 million. The latest drugs might cost a patient more than Rp 300 million a year.

“So when a new drug is released, people living with lupus will yell happily, but when they hear the price, they feel helpless again,” said Dian, one of 28 recipients of a Life Time Achievement Award from the 9th International Congress on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [SLE] committee in Vancouver, Canada in June 2010.

And to observe the World Lupus Day, which falls every May 10, SDF initiated a research sponsorship — the Care for Lupus SDF Awards 2011 — to help those researching the country’s natural ingredients to find therapy supplement and or herb to deal with lupus.

Dian said the effort to find alternative treatment, which is medically justified and affordable, for lupus should be launched.

“Usually, I consume dates to boost my thrombosites although there is no research why dates can increase it. We hope research will help finding out what is the right and effective dosage.”

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011


Ikutilah Training & Workshop 2 Hari
Workshop LBA (Life Blood Cell Analysis) 

Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut, Anda bisa menghubungi : 
0813-2256 9827 / 0857-1732 7361 (Afief)

Anda juga bisa mengadakan In-House di Kota Anda !
Minimal peserta 30 orang

Kami juga Melayani Training & Workshop Untuk Pengobat Alternative, Traditional, maupun Umum


Dr. Puti Rita Liswari, M.Sc., M.Kes.

Beliau merupakan Founder dan Master Trainer Training ”Health Secret” & "Integrative Medicine", sebuah training yang sejak tahun 2006 hingga sekarang telah membantu merubah kesadaran dan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia.

Setelah mendalami berbagai macam disiplin ilmu kesehatan dan pengobatan baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri (seperti Amerika dan Belanda), dan juga mengikuti berbagai macam seminar maupun training di dalam dan luar negeri (diantaranya Malaysia dan Australia) maka ia mendedikasikan ilmunya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dengan memberikan training maupun seminar kesehatan kepada lebih dari 20.000 orang, dan berbicara lebih dari 50 instansi maupun perusahaan.

Selain itu ia merupakan :
2. Pembicara Talk Show diberbagai Radio maupun Televisi, seperti Bandung TV, Radio MQ  FM Bandung, Radio Paramuda, Radio Mara FM & Radio TRIJAYA FM Bandung.
3. Pengurus Pusat PDHMI (Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia)
4. Satu-satunya Dokter Indonesia yang belajar LBA (Life Blood Cell Analysis) di Chicago USA

Beliau juga merupakan pengembang dan praktisi INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE, yaitu sebuah Konsep Pengobatan yang menggabungkan 3 Konsep pengobatan yang berkembang saat ini, yaitu konsep pengobatan barat, pengobatan komplementer dan pengobatan tradisional.



Mei 1993 :
S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Umum
UNPAD Bandung, Indonesia

Juni 1997 :
S2 dari bagian Health Information Management program
Regis University Denver, USA

Nopember 2002  :         
S2 dari bagian  Medical Anthropology program
Leiden Universiteit, Netherland Belanda

2003 :
Lulus AKTA mengajar IV, UPI Bandung


1.         Date With Destiny, Gold Coast, Australia
            Trainer Anthony Robbins  
2.         Training For the Trainers & Fire Walk Instructor, Bali
            Trainer : Dr. Ernest Wong (Singapura)
                            John Maisell (USA)
                            Tung Desem Waringin (Indonesia)
3.         Unleashing The Power Within, Jakarta
            Trainer Anthony Robbins (High-Definition)
4.        Training & Workshop LBA (Life Blood Cell Analysis)
            BIOMEDX Chicago USA
5.         Sensitivity Training 
6.         Customer Service


1.       JUNI 1996
Praktek Kerja di Fort Logan Mental Hospital,
Denver Colorado USA
2.       MEI 1997
Praktek Kerja di Presbiterian st. Luke Hospital,
Denver Colorado USA
3.         JUNI 1997
Praktek Kerja di Rose Medical Center,
Denver Colorado USA
4.         MEI 2001
Trainer volunteer pada pelatihan Sensitivity Training
di Badan Pelatihan Kesehatan Bandung


1998 – 2000
Kepala Instalasi Sistem Managemen Informasi Rumah Sakit
Cibabat Bandung

2000 - 2001
Kepala bidang bagian Informasi Rumah Sakit
RS Al Islam Bandung

2002- 2003
Purwakarta Jawa Barat

2002 - sekarang
Konsultan Integrative Medicine (Pengobatan Holistic)

2005 - Sekarang

2005 - Sekarang

2010 – 2012
Pengurus Pusat PDHMI (Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia) 
                             PROFILE CO-TRAINER :                                    

Afief Khoiril Anam Di.Hol.Med, CH, CHt, CNLP.

Dia merupakan sosok yang unik karena pengalaman yang multidimesi, diantaranya ia dibesarkan di Pesantren tradisonal FATHUL HUDA di Jawa tengah, kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan keguruan di IKIP PGRI Semarang dan ABA Prawira Martha Karawang, sedangkan pengalaman kesehatan dan pengobatan ia peroleh dari INTERNATIONAL HOLISTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE serta mengikuti puluhan pelatihan seperti NLP, EFT, Hypnoterapi, Brain Management Buzan Centre, dll. Bersama-sama dengan  dr. Puti yang juga salah satu guru dan rekan diskusinya, ia telah ikut serta memberikan training maupun seminar kesehatan kepada lebih dari 20.000 orang, dan lebih dari 50 instansi maupun perusahaan. 

Selain itu ia merupakan :

1. Manager Learning Center di INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTER
2. Member Asosiasi Praktisi EFT Indonesia (APEI)
3. Member Indonesia Association of Clinical Hypnotherapist (IACH)
4. Member HeartMath Global Coherence California USA
5. Member Institute of Noetic Science